3 Quotes & Sayings By Basil Pearl

Basil Pearl was born in 1943 and has been a professional radio and television voice-over artist for many years. He is probably best known for writing and producing the book "How I Sold 1 Million Copies of My Book: How to Self-Publish and Sell Your Book on Amazon , Create a Website and Market Your Book More Effectively than Anyone Else" . He has also written about voice-over careers, sales, marketing, and how to get the best job at the lowest cost. He is currently working on his next book, "Create More Income from Your Voice Over Business."

Time seemed to stand still as she noticed three droplets of blood splattered on the Indian's cheek. Crimson red, she thought. Three crimson red droplets. The color of the rubescent calla lilies in her mother's garden. Her mother had explained the wine colored flower meant strength, and passionate courage. How fitting, Zee thought as shock of the reality around her began to set in. Basil Pearl
Never discount good intentions, for good intentions may be all one has to offer. - Eilish in "No-Till" by Basil Pearl. Basil Pearl